19 Week Comparison Front

19 Week Comparison Front
300 lbs, 248 lbs. - 52 lb weightloss

60 lbs down and still going!!!

60 lbs down and still going!!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Day ???

I have no idea what day I'm in right now.  This whole car accident through me for a loop.  I'm still on the road to recovery.  I won't get back into the gym probably until next week.  Even then it will just be for cardio.  I won't lift for another week after that.  My body NEEDS this time to heal and rest and I am listening to it.

Words of Inspiration
Where I am right now is my creation too and it's perfect!
Right now, this second I'm creating my perfect body!
I love who and what I see in the mirror! 
I can feel and see myself fitting into my perfect size clothes!
I thrill at the prospect of the slenderizing year ahead of me! 
I am patient with myself as I think my body to it's perfection! 
I deserve a trim, beautiful, fit, and healthy body! 
Releasing weight is easy and effortless for me, I just let it go! 
My body is a beautiful temple that houses my spirit!  
I am wonderful just the way I am!
My womanly figure is a gift, I love and embrace it now! 
I love, love, love my body! 
The mirror is my friend, it reminds me to appreciate today and anticipate tomorrow!
I am divinely inspired to my perfect state of health, fitness and beauty! 
I love my body; every feature, every organ, every cell! 
I'm growing more attractive every day! 
I am healthy, vibrant and sexy now and only becoming more so! 
My new reality includes my ideal weight and shape! 
I am a perfect physical expression of Source!
My body is getting slimmer with every new hour!
I deserve a healthy, fit, trim and sexy body!
I know weight is only a number, vitality is my natural state in which I live! 
I am connected to THE flow of health and fitness!
I create my own reality!   Life is what I make it!
I have a clear and exciting vision for my life and my focus is creating it now! 
I am comfortable in my body because I know it's my creation! 
I am beautiful just as I am! 
I embrace what I see today as I delightfully anticipate what will be tomorrow! 
I accept and love my body as it is and know my thoughts are creating it anew!
My amazing imagination is creating my beautiful body now!
It is so easy for me to release weight, the extra weight just falls off my body! 
I focus on the essence, the feeling of my desires and I always attract them! 
My body is beautiful, healthy, and sexy . . . now! 
I am perfect exactly the way I am! 
I deeply love and honor even the features I would change most about my body! 
I am growing more slender every day! 
Being fit, trim and healthy is magical and easy for me! 
I love this journey of health and fitness I'm on, I celebrate Life!
I love myself exactly as I am! 
I'm ready now to be thin, vibrant and full of energy! 
Divine life flows through every cell in my body! 
My positive thoughts right now are creating the perfect body I desire! 
I am getting healthier, happier and more energetic every day! 
Allowing my perfect body and weight to manifest is fun! 
I breathe in universal love and breath out any thoughts that don't uplift me! 
Everyday I get more control of my perfect body consciousness! 
In my mind I am now slim, healthy and attractive! 
My body is an energetic, efficient, fat burning, muscle building organism!
I am a Spiritual being, I'm not bound by a scale or a mirror!  Nothing binds me!
I am a magnet for health, beauty, joy and perfection in all ways!
Every wonderful self-loving thought I think attracts my perfect body to me!

Positive Affirmation

1 comment:

  1. To think, this same inner voice was crying out for help such a short while ago. I'm glad you listened.
