I know it's been awhile. I'm doing great! I will not get on a scale again however for a very long time. I just don't believe in them. As long as I feel good, My clothes continue to sag on me. I feel energized and strong, that's all that matters to me. Here are some incredible affirmations to read and re read every day. Much love to you all!
Where I am right now is my creation too and it's perfect!
Right now, this second I'm creating my perfect body!
I love who and what I see in the mirror!
I can feel and see myself fitting into my perfect size clothes!
I thrill at the prospect of the slenderizing year ahead of me!
I am patient with myself as I think my body to it's perfection!
I deserve a trim, beautiful, fit, and healthy body!
Releasing weight is easy and effortless for me, I just let it go!
My body is a beautiful temple that houses my spirit!
I am wonderful just the way I am!
My womanly figure is a gift, I love and embrace it now!
I love, love, love my body!
The mirror is my friend, it reminds me to appreciate today and anticipate tomorrow!
I am divinely inspired to my perfect state of health, fitness and beauty!
I love my body; every feature, every organ, every cell!
I'm growing more attractive every day!
I am healthy, vibrant and sexy now and only becoming more so!
My new reality includes my ideal weight and shape!
I am a perfect physical expression of Source!
My body is getting slimmer with every new hour!
I deserve a healthy, fit, trim and sexy body!
I know weight is only a number, vitality is my natural state in which I live!
I am connected to THE flow of health and fitness!
I create my own reality! Life is what I make it!
I have a clear and exciting vision for my life and my focus is creating it now!
I am comfortable in my body because I know it's my creation!
I am beautiful just as I am!
I embrace what I see today as I delightfully anticipate what will be tomorrow!
I accept and love my body as it is and know my thoughts are creating it anew!
My amazing imagination is creating my beautiful body now!
It is so easy for me to release weight, the extra weight just falls off my body!
I focus on the essence, the feeling of my desires and I always attract them!
My body is beautiful, healthy, and sexy . . . now!
I am perfect exactly the way I am!
I deeply love and honor even the features I would change most about my body!
I am growing more slender every day!
Being fit, trim and healthy is magical and easy for me!
I love this journey of health and fitness I'm on, I celebrate Life!
I love myself exactly as I am!
I'm ready now to be thin, vibrant and full of energy!
Divine life flows through every cell in my body!
My positive thoughts right now are creating the perfect body I desire!
I am getting healthier, happier and more energetic every day!
Allowing my perfect body and weight to manifest is fun!
I breathe in universal love and breath out any thoughts that don't uplift me!
Everyday I get more control of my perfect body consciousness!
In my mind I am now slim, healthy and attractive!
My body is an energetic, efficient, fat burning, muscle building organism!
I am a Spiritual being, I'm not bound by a scale or a mirror! Nothing binds me!
I am a magnet for health, beauty, joy and perfection in all ways!
Every wonderful self-loving thought I think attracts my perfect body to me!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Day ???
I have no idea what day I'm in right now. This whole car accident through me for a loop. I'm still on the road to recovery. I won't get back into the gym probably until next week. Even then it will just be for cardio. I won't lift for another week after that. My body NEEDS this time to heal and rest and I am listening to it.
Words of Inspiration
Where I am right now is my creation too and it's perfect!
Right now, this second I'm creating my perfect body!
I love who and what I see in the mirror!
I can feel and see myself fitting into my perfect size clothes!
I thrill at the prospect of the slenderizing year ahead of me!
I am patient with myself as I think my body to it's perfection!
I deserve a trim, beautiful, fit, and healthy body!
Releasing weight is easy and effortless for me, I just let it go!
My body is a beautiful temple that houses my spirit!
I am wonderful just the way I am!
My womanly figure is a gift, I love and embrace it now!
I love, love, love my body!
The mirror is my friend, it reminds me to appreciate today and anticipate tomorrow!
I am divinely inspired to my perfect state of health, fitness and beauty!
I love my body; every feature, every organ, every cell!
I'm growing more attractive every day!
I am healthy, vibrant and sexy now and only becoming more so!
My new reality includes my ideal weight and shape!
I am a perfect physical expression of Source!
My body is getting slimmer with every new hour!
I deserve a healthy, fit, trim and sexy body!
I know weight is only a number, vitality is my natural state in which I live!
I am connected to THE flow of health and fitness!
I create my own reality! Life is what I make it!
I have a clear and exciting vision for my life and my focus is creating it now!
I am comfortable in my body because I know it's my creation!
I am beautiful just as I am!
I embrace what I see today as I delightfully anticipate what will be tomorrow!
I accept and love my body as it is and know my thoughts are creating it anew!
My amazing imagination is creating my beautiful body now!
It is so easy for me to release weight, the extra weight just falls off my body!
I focus on the essence, the feeling of my desires and I always attract them!
My body is beautiful, healthy, and sexy . . . now!
I am perfect exactly the way I am!
I deeply love and honor even the features I would change most about my body!
I am growing more slender every day!
Being fit, trim and healthy is magical and easy for me!
I love this journey of health and fitness I'm on, I celebrate Life!
I love myself exactly as I am!
I'm ready now to be thin, vibrant and full of energy!
Divine life flows through every cell in my body!
My positive thoughts right now are creating the perfect body I desire!
I am getting healthier, happier and more energetic every day!
Allowing my perfect body and weight to manifest is fun!
I breathe in universal love and breath out any thoughts that don't uplift me!
Everyday I get more control of my perfect body consciousness!
In my mind I am now slim, healthy and attractive!
My body is an energetic, efficient, fat burning, muscle building organism!
I am a Spiritual being, I'm not bound by a scale or a mirror! Nothing binds me!
I am a magnet for health, beauty, joy and perfection in all ways!
Every wonderful self-loving thought I think attracts my perfect body to me!
Positive Affirmation
Words of Inspiration
Where I am right now is my creation too and it's perfect!
Right now, this second I'm creating my perfect body!
I love who and what I see in the mirror!
I can feel and see myself fitting into my perfect size clothes!
I thrill at the prospect of the slenderizing year ahead of me!
I am patient with myself as I think my body to it's perfection!
I deserve a trim, beautiful, fit, and healthy body!
Releasing weight is easy and effortless for me, I just let it go!
My body is a beautiful temple that houses my spirit!
I am wonderful just the way I am!
My womanly figure is a gift, I love and embrace it now!
I love, love, love my body!
The mirror is my friend, it reminds me to appreciate today and anticipate tomorrow!
I am divinely inspired to my perfect state of health, fitness and beauty!
I love my body; every feature, every organ, every cell!
I'm growing more attractive every day!
I am healthy, vibrant and sexy now and only becoming more so!
My new reality includes my ideal weight and shape!
I am a perfect physical expression of Source!
My body is getting slimmer with every new hour!
I deserve a healthy, fit, trim and sexy body!
I know weight is only a number, vitality is my natural state in which I live!
I am connected to THE flow of health and fitness!
I create my own reality! Life is what I make it!
I have a clear and exciting vision for my life and my focus is creating it now!
I am comfortable in my body because I know it's my creation!
I am beautiful just as I am!
I embrace what I see today as I delightfully anticipate what will be tomorrow!
I accept and love my body as it is and know my thoughts are creating it anew!
My amazing imagination is creating my beautiful body now!
It is so easy for me to release weight, the extra weight just falls off my body!
I focus on the essence, the feeling of my desires and I always attract them!
My body is beautiful, healthy, and sexy . . . now!
I am perfect exactly the way I am!
I deeply love and honor even the features I would change most about my body!
I am growing more slender every day!
Being fit, trim and healthy is magical and easy for me!
I love this journey of health and fitness I'm on, I celebrate Life!
I love myself exactly as I am!
I'm ready now to be thin, vibrant and full of energy!
Divine life flows through every cell in my body!
My positive thoughts right now are creating the perfect body I desire!
I am getting healthier, happier and more energetic every day!
Allowing my perfect body and weight to manifest is fun!
I breathe in universal love and breath out any thoughts that don't uplift me!
Everyday I get more control of my perfect body consciousness!
In my mind I am now slim, healthy and attractive!
My body is an energetic, efficient, fat burning, muscle building organism!
I am a Spiritual being, I'm not bound by a scale or a mirror! Nothing binds me!
I am a magnet for health, beauty, joy and perfection in all ways!
Every wonderful self-loving thought I think attracts my perfect body to me!
Positive Affirmation
Monday, October 25, 2010
I'm 40 today!!!!!!!! HOORAY!!!!!!!!! 81 pounds down!!!
Drum Roll Please…….. For my official 40 year birthday weigh in this morning, I weighed 219. So I have now lost 81 pounds since 2/22. Hooray for me!!! I still have a long way to go, but I am HAPPY for that loss. Especially since I won’t be able to workout for the next week at least until I heal from my car accident. I am overwhelmed and blessed by all the amazing birthday wishes. Thank you for all your blessing that you continually give me each day. I feel so much love in my life. I am blessed to know each of you, to feel your love, to feel your joy, to feel your happiness. As I turn 40 today, I realize the blessings that have been bestowed upon me these last 40 years. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on my life and all that I have experienced thus far. What have I experienced you ask? Let me share with you some of those high lights. I was raised by the best mom ever, she was single, worked 3 jobs to take care of my brother and I. We were brought up in a happy home. I went to college in Idaho. I lived and worked in Utah. I went on a mission to Honduras. I got married when I was 27. I had 3 of the most incredible children. I have lived through 39 operations in my life. I have been blessed to work with so many incredible people. I have traveled the world. I have experienced great loss in my life of dear loved ones. I have created and owned a company about early detection where I was given the opportunity to travel the country and meet women from around the world. I have had depression. I have had illness. I allowed myself to get up to 300 lbs. I was blessed to win an incredible contest in January with The Fresh Diet. I was blessed to start my weight loss journey 2 days after I buried my dear Grandma Belle. I have been blessed to eat healthy all these months. I have been blessed to exercise with one of the greatest trainers. I have been blessed to meet some of the most amazing people throughout the world via facebook. I have been blessed to start a new company now and to create an amazing non profit and charitable organization. I have been blessed with some of the most amazing friends I could ever imagine. I have been blessed with the best family. I have been blessed to wake up each day and just SMILE. I have been blessed to FEEL pure joy and happiness I AM BLESSED. So as I think about my life, I find great comfort and happiness in my eternal memories. With my birthday I am making a WISH. It is a WISH for each of you. I WISH for you to be HAPPY and to be filled with JOY. I WISH for you to know that you are loved, to know that you are worthy of all good things. I WISH for you to enjoy each day, cherish the little moments in life, to laugh, to smile to feel the spirit that is within you. I WISH for you to enjoy nature and to draw the incredible energy from every living thing. I WISH for you to be successful at whatever you do. I WISH for you to be healthy and energized. I WISH for you to create eternal memories with those you love. I WISH for you to KNOW that you are not alone, that there is a purpose for your life, that you are a worthy individual and that you are loved. I WISH for you PEACE, JOY, HAPPINESS, COMFORT, INSPIRATION, and most of all I WISH FOR YOU LOVE!!!!!!!!!!! Much love to you all. Thank you for blessing my life this day.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Day 206 - 9 days to go
9 days until I turn 40 and weigh in. Oh my goodness!!! These last few weeks have been the busiest, happiest, most joyful weeks of my life. I am starting up a new company and it's just magical! I can't wait to share it with the world. We hope the website goes live in a few weeks and then I can talk all about it. All I can say is that the creative process is miraculous and just unbelievable. I am so blessed in my life to be able to start up this corporation and hopefully share my vision, share my love, share my joy with everyone.
My best friend Sara is coming in from Vegas next Friday with her little girl and I can't wait to have them here. It's such a blessing to have friends that are eternal. I am so grateful for all that i have been given. Much love to you all this beautiful Fall day.
Words of Inspiration
"Most of you are afraid of your body. Your body feels like something that might trick you. It might get run over, or it might make the wrong decision, or it might die too early, or it might get a disease in it, or it might do something, after all, it has all kinds of mysteries. You can't look into your body. You can't see metabolism. You can't see what's happening with the cells. You don't really understand your body. And your body frightens you in most cases.
We would like to help you to know that your body is oh, so well meaning. Your body is so well orchestrated. You see, your body is trillions of cells that are vibrationally interacting with Source Energy. And if left to their own without a lot of static in your vibration, your body would only thrive. In other words, the basis of your body is one of true and utter thriving. It has no reason to frighten you. It is the greatest evidence of Well-being that exists anywhere in your physical experience. It is an extraordinary mechanism that's come together from great deliberate intent from so many Non-Physical and physical creators. And every one of you who stands in your body, continues to enhance the experience of the physical body. This is an evolution of a species that is extraordinary.
Your bodies are not to be feared. Your bodies are to be revered. Your bodies are to be applauded. Your bodies are to be maybe even amazed at. But they are never to be feared. Your bodies are not vulnerable. They're not fragile. They are resilient. They are flexible. You have the ability to come into alignment again and again and again, and if anyone in the Universe understands that, it's the cells of your body.
Befriending your body is the only way we know of coming to understand that your body is resilient and that it knows what to do, and that it will be whatever you ask it to be. But you have to ask it to be that in a place of nonresistance. It's the most significant information that we have ever expressed relative to your physical body and food. You must love your body, and then lovingly give it the food. And when you love your body and lovingly give it the food, it matters not what food you give it." ~Abraham Hicks~
We would like to help you to know that your body is oh, so well meaning. Your body is so well orchestrated. You see, your body is trillions of cells that are vibrationally interacting with Source Energy. And if left to their own without a lot of static in your vibration, your body would only thrive. In other words, the basis of your body is one of true and utter thriving. It has no reason to frighten you. It is the greatest evidence of Well-being that exists anywhere in your physical experience. It is an extraordinary mechanism that's come together from great deliberate intent from so many Non-Physical and physical creators. And every one of you who stands in your body, continues to enhance the experience of the physical body. This is an evolution of a species that is extraordinary.
Your bodies are not to be feared. Your bodies are to be revered. Your bodies are to be applauded. Your bodies are to be maybe even amazed at. But they are never to be feared. Your bodies are not vulnerable. They're not fragile. They are resilient. They are flexible. You have the ability to come into alignment again and again and again, and if anyone in the Universe understands that, it's the cells of your body.
Befriending your body is the only way we know of coming to understand that your body is resilient and that it knows what to do, and that it will be whatever you ask it to be. But you have to ask it to be that in a place of nonresistance. It's the most significant information that we have ever expressed relative to your physical body and food. You must love your body, and then lovingly give it the food. And when you love your body and lovingly give it the food, it matters not what food you give it." ~Abraham Hicks~
Positive Affirmation
I have the most perfect body and it is amazing!
Training with Joe
So this last week I only got into the gym twice. :(:(:( I am going to make an effort to do better next week. The start up of this company has me busy from sun up to sun down and then some.
I have been blessed to continue eating healthy with The Fresh Diet. They are such a blessing to my life.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Day 201 - 2 weeks to go
201 days! Can you believe it? I can't! What a blessing. I'm so sorry I've taken a break from blogging. I'm in the middle of opening a company and it's taken all my time lately. But I'm back and I will blog as much as I can. I turn 40 in two weeks from today! I can't believe it! What a wonderful thing! I'm so excited for this birthday. I'm anxious to see if I've lost any weight these last few weeks. I feel like I have, but who knows! I am blessed to be back on track and to be moving forward at a very fast pace. It's all so exciting. I'm going to share a few words of inspirations that I've posted on Facebook lately. It's all amazing to read! Enjoy it! Much love to you all!
Words of Inspiration
Worthiness, in very simple terms, means, I have found a way to let the Energy reach me, the Energy that is natural, reach me. Worthiness, or unworthiness, is something that is pronounced upon you by you. You are the only one that can deem yourself worthy or unworthy. You are the only one who can love yourself into a state of allowing, or hate yourself in a state of disallowing. There is not something wrong with you, nor is there something wrong with one who is not loving you. You are all just, in the moment, practicing the art of not allowing, or the art of resisting. ~Abraham Hicks~
When you deliberately seek positive aspects of whatever you are giving your attention to, you, in a sense, tune your vibrational tuner to more positive aspects of everything. And, of course, you could tune yourself negatively as well. But as you are deliberately looking for positive aspects in yourself or in others, you will find more of those things: The better it gets, the better it gets, for you get more and more of what you are thinking about —whether you want it or not. ~Abraham-Hicks~
You don’t have to work at being in the high vibration that is natural to you, because it is natural to you. But you do have to stop holding the thoughts that cause you to lower your vibration. It’s a matter of no longer giving your attention to things that don’t allow your cork to float or don’t allow you to vibrate in harmony with who you really are. ~Abraham Hicks~
Others cannot understand the vibrational content of your desires, and they cannot understand the vibrational content of where you are, so they are not in any way equipped to guide you. Even when they have the very best of intentions and want your absolute Well-Being, they do not know.
And even through many of them attempt to be unselfish, it is never possible for them to separate their desire for you from their own desire for themselves. ~Abraham Hicks~
Positive Affirmation
Training with Joe
Words of Inspiration
Worthiness, in very simple terms, means, I have found a way to let the Energy reach me, the Energy that is natural, reach me. Worthiness, or unworthiness, is something that is pronounced upon you by you. You are the only one that can deem yourself worthy or unworthy. You are the only one who can love yourself into a state of allowing, or hate yourself in a state of disallowing. There is not something wrong with you, nor is there something wrong with one who is not loving you. You are all just, in the moment, practicing the art of not allowing, or the art of resisting. ~Abraham Hicks~
When you deliberately seek positive aspects of whatever you are giving your attention to, you, in a sense, tune your vibrational tuner to more positive aspects of everything. And, of course, you could tune yourself negatively as well. But as you are deliberately looking for positive aspects in yourself or in others, you will find more of those things: The better it gets, the better it gets, for you get more and more of what you are thinking about —whether you want it or not. ~Abraham-Hicks~
You don’t have to work at being in the high vibration that is natural to you, because it is natural to you. But you do have to stop holding the thoughts that cause you to lower your vibration. It’s a matter of no longer giving your attention to things that don’t allow your cork to float or don’t allow you to vibrate in harmony with who you really are. ~Abraham Hicks~
Others cannot understand the vibrational content of your desires, and they cannot understand the vibrational content of where you are, so they are not in any way equipped to guide you. Even when they have the very best of intentions and want your absolute Well-Being, they do not know.
And even through many of them attempt to be unselfish, it is never possible for them to separate their desire for you from their own desire for themselves. ~Abraham Hicks~
Positive Affirmation
Training with Joe
- The last 3 weeks we did the same program. My kids are home for Columbus Day and so I am just going to do a workout here. I'll let you know what tomorrow brings. :)
Food - Sorry no pics - Can't find my camera.
Apple Pistachio Muffin with Fresh Watermelon & Blueberry Yogurt
Thai Turkey Burger on Whole Wheat Ciabatta with Sauteed Bok-Choy & Peanut Sauce
Turkey Breast Cutlets with Roasted Pepper & Shallot Sauce with Whole Wheat Angel Hair Pasta and Sauteed Ruby Swiss Chard
Cucumber & Green Papaya Slaw with Low Fat Yogurt
Raspberry Vanilla Pudding
Monday, September 27, 2010
Day 187 - 4 weeks to go
Words of Inspiration
"Inspiration comes forth from within. It's what the light burning within you is about, as opposed to motivation, which is doing it because if you don't do it, there will be negative repercussions. Motivation is making myself do something that I don't really want to do. Inspiration is having the clear picture of what I am wanting -- and letting Universal forces come into play to get the outcome."
This just sang to my soul as I read it and I HAD to share it. I am constantly thinking to myself, "I am so grateful for the inspiration that is coming to me today." Literally every single day, I say that mantra to myself. Then I read this quote today and I just want to shout HOORAY, you're on the right path. You are figuring this out. You are doing what you have been brought here to do. You are going in the right direction. You are living downstream. You are living in the now. I am doing it! I UNDERSTAND!!! I'm so blessed. I'm so grateful. I am following my heart. I am living my dream. I am loving myself. I am doing everything my heart tells me to do. I am listening to my spirit. I am listening to the inspiration that is constantly flowing to me. I am blessed to hear it. I am blessed to know when it comes. I am blessed to feel this constant flow of joy and peace and goodness all around me. YES, I AM BEING INSPIRED EVERYDAY!!!! I'm blessed to have each of you in my life. I hope as you read this message, you will be inspired. You will FEEL my love for you. You will gain inspiration that you are seeking. Ask for inspiration, and it will be given to you. Then act on that inspiration accordingly. You will find miracles happen in your life. Much love to you all on this gorgeous Fall day. I just came back from a long walk outside. I soaked up the sun and enjoyed the nature of this earth. We are blessed to have such an incredible earth that gives us energy and power beyond words. I pray you will continually be inspired!!!
Positive Affirmation
Training with Joe

"Inspiration comes forth from within. It's what the light burning within you is about, as opposed to motivation, which is doing it because if you don't do it, there will be negative repercussions. Motivation is making myself do something that I don't really want to do. Inspiration is having the clear picture of what I am wanting -- and letting Universal forces come into play to get the outcome."
This just sang to my soul as I read it and I HAD to share it. I am constantly thinking to myself, "I am so grateful for the inspiration that is coming to me today." Literally every single day, I say that mantra to myself. Then I read this quote today and I just want to shout HOORAY, you're on the right path. You are figuring this out. You are doing what you have been brought here to do. You are going in the right direction. You are living downstream. You are living in the now. I am doing it! I UNDERSTAND!!! I'm so blessed. I'm so grateful. I am following my heart. I am living my dream. I am loving myself. I am doing everything my heart tells me to do. I am listening to my spirit. I am listening to the inspiration that is constantly flowing to me. I am blessed to hear it. I am blessed to know when it comes. I am blessed to feel this constant flow of joy and peace and goodness all around me. YES, I AM BEING INSPIRED EVERYDAY!!!! I'm blessed to have each of you in my life. I hope as you read this message, you will be inspired. You will FEEL my love for you. You will gain inspiration that you are seeking. Ask for inspiration, and it will be given to you. Then act on that inspiration accordingly. You will find miracles happen in your life. Much love to you all on this gorgeous Fall day. I just came back from a long walk outside. I soaked up the sun and enjoyed the nature of this earth. We are blessed to have such an incredible earth that gives us energy and power beyond words. I pray you will continually be inspired!!!
Positive Affirmation
Training with Joe
- For today I did 3 sets of 10-15 per exercise rotating between 2 exercises
- Weighted Back Squat - 45 lbs
- Cable Row to Neck -30 lbs - So for this you bring you start off sitting and then bring your body down almost parallel and then do the row - HOLY ABS
- Dumb Bell Flys - on my back - 20 lbs
- Leg Lowering - So for this you lay on the floor propped up on your elbows then bring your legs up to a V position and then crunch them into yourself - HOLY ABS
- Side Sit Up - You do this on the back extension machine - both sides
- Dumb Bell Squat - 30 lbs
- Back Extension
- L- Lateral Raise - 7.5 lb
Old Fashioned Oatmeal with Apricot & Toasted Pecans
Classic Cobb Salad with Grilled Chicken, Turkey Pastrami, Tomato, Cucumber, Romaine Lettuce & Ranch Dressing
Grilled Chicken Breast with Roasted Tomato Alfredo Sauce with Herbed Barley Pilaf and Steamed Broccolini
Sugar-Free Boston Cream Pie
Pink Poached Pear Filled with Creamy Ricotta Cheese & Honey Roasted Walnuts
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Day 185 & Day 186
Words of Inspiration
"Action that is inspired from aligned thought is joyful action. Action that is offered from a place of contradicted thought is hard work that is not satisfying and does not yield good results. When you really feel like jumping into action, that is a clear sign that your vibration is pure and you are not offering contradicting thoughts to your own desire. When you are having a hard time making yourself do something, or when the action you offer does not produce the results you are seeking, it is always because you are offering thoughts in opposition to your desire." ~Abraham Hicks~
I have experienced this first hand, almost daily now. I really look for inspiration in all that I do. Every morning I wake up and ask for inspiration and I really follow my heart in all I do during the day and my days are literally filled with pure joy most of my days. I am just HAPPY and filled with JOY all the time. It's the most marvelous way to live life. I know if I'm doing something and I feel joy and I feel happiness, then I'm in the FLOW of my life, moving downstream, but if I'm doing something and it makes me feel bad or feel like I shouldn't be doing this then I'm in a bad current desperately trying to paddle upstream. So I choose the easy way, I choose to paddle downstream and let the river of life carry be downstream into pure joy and pure happiness. Much love to you all on this amazing Fall day. It's a FOOTBALL day for our family. I hope you enjoy your family today and create eternal memories with them or with yourself!!! Much love to you all!
Positive Affirmation
I follow my heart, for my heart only knows truth!
Training with Joe
"Action that is inspired from aligned thought is joyful action. Action that is offered from a place of contradicted thought is hard work that is not satisfying and does not yield good results. When you really feel like jumping into action, that is a clear sign that your vibration is pure and you are not offering contradicting thoughts to your own desire. When you are having a hard time making yourself do something, or when the action you offer does not produce the results you are seeking, it is always because you are offering thoughts in opposition to your desire." ~Abraham Hicks~
I have experienced this first hand, almost daily now. I really look for inspiration in all that I do. Every morning I wake up and ask for inspiration and I really follow my heart in all I do during the day and my days are literally filled with pure joy most of my days. I am just HAPPY and filled with JOY all the time. It's the most marvelous way to live life. I know if I'm doing something and I feel joy and I feel happiness, then I'm in the FLOW of my life, moving downstream, but if I'm doing something and it makes me feel bad or feel like I shouldn't be doing this then I'm in a bad current desperately trying to paddle upstream. So I choose the easy way, I choose to paddle downstream and let the river of life carry be downstream into pure joy and pure happiness. Much love to you all on this amazing Fall day. It's a FOOTBALL day for our family. I hope you enjoy your family today and create eternal memories with them or with yourself!!! Much love to you all!
Positive Affirmation
I follow my heart, for my heart only knows truth!
Training with Joe
- It's the WEEKEND - no training!
Again, it's the WEEKEND - Healthy, Fresh choices ahead.
Words of Inspiration
"As you are feeling positive emotion - such as love, peace, happiness, joy, excitement, exhilaration ... it is your Inner Being communicating to you in that moment that you are feeling the emotion - that your thoughts are in harmony with that which you are wanting, As you are experiencing negative emotion - such as fear or doubt, anger, hatred, jealousy, stress, guilt, anxiety .. it is a communication from your Inner Being telling you that in that moment - that which you are focused upon is not in harmony with what you are wanting." ~ABRAHAM-HICKS~
Positive Affirmation
I am in harmony with all that I want!
Training with Joe
"As you are feeling positive emotion - such as love, peace, happiness, joy, excitement, exhilaration ... it is your Inner Being communicating to you in that moment that you are feeling the emotion - that your thoughts are in harmony with that which you are wanting, As you are experiencing negative emotion - such as fear or doubt, anger, hatred, jealousy, stress, guilt, anxiety .. it is a communication from your Inner Being telling you that in that moment - that which you are focused upon is not in harmony with what you are wanting." ~ABRAHAM-HICKS~
Positive Affirmation
I am in harmony with all that I want!
Training with Joe
- Dumb Bell Step Ups - 12.5 lbs - 10 each side
- Pullover - This is where I lay on the bench and have my arms straight above me, locked elbows and then go down over my head with the dumb bell.
- Chin Ups - I've never done these before and then are HARD. :)
- Calf Raise Standing - 230 lbs
- Romanian Dead Lift - 105 lbs
- High Pulley Crunch - So this is where I kneel and face away from the cable and have the rope pulley pulled down to where I have my hands on either side of my ears and then I lean down and crunch down to the floor - 10 plates
- Reverse Bicep Curl - 25 lbs
- French Press - 25 lbs
Blueberry Cream Cheese Crepes with Fresh Pineapple & Wild Berry Sauce
Jamaican Style Chicken Wrap with Baby Lettuce, Red Onion and Fruit Chutney.
Chicken Cordon Blue with Ham & Swiss Cheese with Nine Grain Pilaf and Roasted Poblano Peppers
Sugar Free Pineapple Upside-Down Cake with Maraschino Cherries and Pecans
Chocolate Pudding Topped with Toasted Almonds
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