19 Week Comparison Front

19 Week Comparison Front
300 lbs, 248 lbs. - 52 lb weightloss

60 lbs down and still going!!!

60 lbs down and still going!!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 3

I woke up this morning at 5:45 thinking this is great, I woke up 15 minutes before the alarm, I'll be able to leave on time. WHATEVER!!! It SO DID NOT go that way. With 3 kids, there is always something that has to be done. Here's the kicker, I totally got everything organized last night so that I can get out of the door on time. On time for me was going to be 6:30. I didn't leave until 7am. I woke up this morning constipated (sorry to be graphic, but I want to be honest here). I felt crappy because of that. Now, I am RARELY constipated, so I don't like how it feels. I just think my body is going through some MAJOR DETOX right now and that's just how it's coping with everything. So I made myself some of my own special remedy tea. Which consists of a bag of dandelion tea and a bag of smooth move tea (Senna). I brew that for 15 minutes and then take the bags out and I let it cool. You don't have to let it cool, but the taste is so bad that I have to chug it to get it down.:):):) What does it taste like you ask? Well let me tell you, it taste like wood infused with licorice. Seriously, it's nasty, but it always works. Although it does take about 10 hours before it kicks in. So I'm hoping tonight I will be all cleaned out. :):):) While that is brewing, I unloaded the dishwasher, took out the garbage, put in a load of laundry and put away a load of laundry. Then I drank my tea, ate my breakfast at 6:15am which consisted of the MOST DELICIOUS cherry cheese crepes with 3 pieces of pineapple (NUMMY). Then I woke up Emily (11 yrs. old), made her breakfast, filled up my water bottles, put my heart rate monitor on, watch on & my BodyBugg on. Got dressed and was out the door. It doesn't seem like much, but it took me forever to get out the door this morning. Oh well, at least I still got to the gym early.
I am so grateful to my husband for supporting me in my journey. I was always the one getting the kids up, dressed, fed and out the door. Now that I work out in the morning Jeremy gets up and does everything for my kids to get them out the door. Thank you Jeremy! Although I have definitely become more organized with my kids. I make sure the night before that their backpacks are ready with their homework in them. They are all showered and their clothes are laid out before they go to bed. My two oldest ones pick out their own clothes for the most part, but my little Gracie is just lazy in the morning and she always wants me to pick out her clothes. Grace is our "princess". And if I left it up to Jeremy to get her dressed, OH MY, I've only made that mistake twice. Grace is a girly girl and Jeremy doesn't understand "fashion" for little girls. :):):) So I'm really trying to become more efficient and organized in my house.
I arrived at the gym 20 mins. early just to get on the treadmill and get warmed up. So I did a mile on the treadmill and it took me 20.28 mins. to do that mile. I did it at an incline of 2 speed of 3. After 6 minutes I would increase the incline by 2 every 2 minutes. Then I worked out with Joe. He had me do the following:
  • bike - 3 miles at level 12 and it took me 14.03 mins.
  • Then he had me get on all fours and raise my leg to the side. Like a kickback, but out to the side. 3 sets of 10. These were hard for me to do. I'm SO out of shape.
  • Lying Butt Bridge - 3 sets of 20 - these were easier than the side leg lifts.
  • I'm not sure the name of the next exercise but I was on all fours again and he had me basically raise and lower my belly. I did 2 sets of 25
  • Elliptical for 1/2 mile
My personal goal is to burn 3600 calories a day, which is a LOT of calories and in order to burn that many calories I need to exercise. So I got done with the elliptical and decided I still wanted to exercise. So then I did the following:
  • a mile on the treadmill
  • vertical traction machine - 3 sets of 12 - set 1&2 40 lbs. set 3 45 lbs.
  • Low Row - 3 sets of 12 - 30 lbs.
  • Bicep Curl - 3 sets of 12 - 15lbs.
  • Flat tricep extension - 3 sets of 12 - set 1 25 lbs. - set 2&3 30 lbs.
  • Ab Rotation - 2 sets of 20 each side - 50 lbs.
  • bike 1 mile
My trainer thinks I did too much and I disagree. I want to meet my goal of 3600 calories burned a day. I felt great as I was doing it. I know my body, I know when I can't take it anymore. But I felt so strong today. So I went for it.
I ate me snack at 11:15 which was pecan pudding (DELICIOUS) then I ate my LUNCH at 1:00 which was chicken caesar salad. Again nummy. I'm so impressed with the food. After the gym I went to Sam's club for some essentials and then went to Chipotle to buy lunch for my husband and his friend. Let me tell you, it smelled delicious in there but still no temptation to cheat. I'm sticking to this. It just feels so right. I'm so proud of myself. It still hurts to sit down, but not as bad as yesterday. So far, so good. I'm off to take my kids to dance. I'm bringing my snack with me. I will post again tonight.


  1. Don't feel bad, those side kicks are HARD! I have never been able to do one without feeling like a total doofus.

    Good job with sticking to your plan!
