19 Week Comparison Front

19 Week Comparison Front
300 lbs, 248 lbs. - 52 lb weightloss

60 lbs down and still going!!!

60 lbs down and still going!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Glenn Packard

So today I was blessed to talk to Glenn. He called me this morning to congratulate me on winning The Fresh Diet contest. He went over what to expect and what he wanted me to do. I am so overwhelmed with the joy that I feel right now. I am so grateful for everyone at The Fresh Diet for bringing this into my life at this time.

I have spent my entire life taking care of everyone except one person, me. I finally am going to take care of myself for once and it feels great! As my friend said, "It's all about you now".

I am on an emotional high right now. I'm so anxious to start my journey of creating the best me I can create. I'm excited to see what I end up looking like. :)

Watch out world, a new Donna is about to emerge!


  1. Congrats, Donna! I can't wait to follow your journey and hopefully be inspired enough to make some changes of my own. Best of luck!

  2. So Happy for you Donna!! I'm excited to follow your progress.

  3. I am SO excited!! This is all coming together so perfectly. What a wonderful opportunity! You know I will be here cheering you on EVERY step of the way!

  4. Check out Glenn's progress
