19 Week Comparison Front

19 Week Comparison Front
300 lbs, 248 lbs. - 52 lb weightloss

60 lbs down and still going!!!

60 lbs down and still going!!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 104

I woke up at 5 this morning and got to the gym on time.  I was still tired.  The oral surgery I had on Monday has definitely taken it's toll on me.  Mainly, it's affected my sleep.  Getting better each day though.  I'm looking forward to Monday when I can eat my Fresh Diet again.  I'm getting tired of SOFT foods.  Although, I must admit, I understand why the oral surgeon said soft foods for a week. :):):)

Training with Joe

  • I warmed up on the SPIN bike for 30 mins.
  • Joe could SEE how tired I was.  He even told me I wasn't looking too good. Thank Joe! :):):)  So he said we were going to do a light workout today.  I thought great, I need it today.  Well let me tell you, his idea of a LIGHT WORKOUT was not my idea of a LIGHT WORKOUT!!!  He had me do SPRINTS on the stairmaster.  95 steps a floor - 1 minute on, 1 minute off for 9 minutes.  I did 56 floors - 5,320 stairs!!!  Yeah, light workout Joe!!!  I was sweating like crazy afterwards!!!
  • Then we did an amazing ab workout on the Stability Ball.  He would throw me the 6 lb ball and I would lay back on the ball and as I came up I would throw it back at him.  Then we were doing it to the side and then he had me twisting and throwing.  It was AMAZING!!!  I still feel my abs today!
  • Finally I did an hour on the SPIN bike.
Tonight I was able to go and see Joe perform at his concert.  It was great!  Fun to watch.  The kids loved it too!

I stopped the Fresh Diet until Monday when I can EAT again.  So today I just had a banana, yogurt, some Quinoa and some soup.  JOY!

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing! Keep up the good work, you can do it! :D
