19 Week Comparison Front

19 Week Comparison Front
300 lbs, 248 lbs. - 52 lb weightloss

60 lbs down and still going!!!

60 lbs down and still going!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 173 - Meditate

So I have begun a NEW workout regime.  I now wake up at 4:20am and get to the club by 5am.  I will be doing this from now on.  This time seems to work best for me.  I LOVE early mornings and I feel like my workouts are that much more effective.  I also will be enjoying my daily time in my sanctuary (STEAM ROOM).  I will be doing 3 sessions of 5-7 minutes in there.  Each time I go in I go through all my feelings and thoughts of gratitude for my body, mind and spirit.  It's become my favorite part of my day and a perfect way to end my workout each day.  

I have to share with you my new mantra with my excess fat that is in my body.  I literally massage each area of fat on my body and while doing so I say to myself the following as I'm rubbing my belly for instance. "I am so grateful for all that you've done for me.  You have served me well.  I now release you from my body to go ahead and liquefy and FLOW out of me.  Thank you, but I no longer need you in my life.  I am ALLOWING you to liquefy and just flow out of me"  Let me tell you, it works!!!!!!!  It's the whole art of allowing and releasing.  I literally PEE all of the time and EVERY SINGLE TIME I go to the bathroom I give thanks and bless my body for living the flow and allowing my fat to flow out of me.  It's WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!

Words of Inspiration
"Be PEACEFUL, Experience SILENCE, MEDITATE, and really LISTEN to God.  The result will be that you will find the solution to each of your problems - be it related to relationships, finances, health, or self-image - within yourself."~Dyer~

I read that this morning and just smiled.  This has become one of the MOST IMPORTANT elements of my weight loss transformation and journey.  I take the time every single day to JUST BE.  You can do this at anytime, and anywhere.  When you are showering, when you are driving, when you are awake, when you are falling asleep.  Just be at peace.  Clear your thoughts.  Listen to what comes.  You will receive the solutions to your problems.  You will receive peace in your spirit.  You will be eternally blessed.  Be Still and Know!!!  Much love to you all on this incredible day!

Positive Affirmation
Well BEING is my birthright and I am blessed!

Training with Joe

  • So I did 3 sets of 12 of each exercise rotating between two exercises at a time.
  • Push ups
  • Kettle Ball Swings - 25lbs
  • T Bar - Chest Pulls - 35 lbs
  • Back Extensions
  • BarBell Bicep Curls - 25 lbs
  • Tricep Pulldowns - 40 lbs
  • Single Leg Steps Ups - Both Sides
  • Squats
  • Sit Ups - Flat Bench
  • Upper Crunch
Hawaiian Style Oatmeal with Pineapple & Toasted Coconut Flakes
Feta Cheese Salad with Roasted Yellow Squash, Tomato, Walnuts, Cranberries, Radicchio Lettuce Mix & Red Wine Vinaigrette
Grilled Chicken Breast with Roasted Yellow Pepper & Shallot Sauce with Whole Wheat Angel Hair Pasta and Braised Baby Carrots
Raspberry Vanilla Pudding
Pineapple Cheese Cake


  1. Hello Donna,
    You are literally mind-blowing! I love the way you think. Simply awe-inspiring. I KNOW you will accomplish your goal and more. You're so dedicated. I really need you for a friend. I love you, girl!
    Big hug,

  2. Wow Donna! I haven't checked your blog for a while, and I just have to say that you look awesome!! Keep it up...Thanks for the words of inspiration!

  3. Thank you so much Carol & Angie!!! Much love to you both!
