19 Week Comparison Front

19 Week Comparison Front
300 lbs, 248 lbs. - 52 lb weightloss

60 lbs down and still going!!!

60 lbs down and still going!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 55

Last day in Miami Beach.  What an incredible trip it has been.  I am beyond blessed and grateful for all that I experienced this week.  I could never begin to thank everyone involved in this last week.  My life will forever be changed.  I am committed to live a healthy life forever.  My eyes have been open to so many new and exciting forms of exercise.  I am most excited to go home and start jumping rope (THANK YOU AreYouX) & spin classes (Thank you Glenn)!

I attended my last boot camp today and worked out with Viktoria.  I am so amazed that a 276 lb women can do boot camp and survive.  I did do very modified versions of boot camp but I still did it.  I didn't give up.  I learned to jump rope again this week.  I am amazed at how much I learned and endured.  I am leaving Miami a new women with a new attitude toward my exercise and vision in what I can accomplish.  I love myself.  I love who I am becoming.  I keep envisioning what I will feel and what I will look like when I see 150 on the scale.  As Keith said, 150 or bust!!!  I am having my kids make me signs that say 150 or bust and I am posting them all over so I see that EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!  I will make that number come true on the scale for me.  It's all so thrilling.  I am so grateful for my life, for my family & friends who are supporting me every step of the way.

I went through SO MANY emotions this last week.  I finally took the time I needed to mourn the loss of my grandma and to rejoice in all that I am doing.  I AM DOING IT!!!  I am blessed to have The Fresh Diet in my life.  To eat good food everyday has made all the difference.  I have so much energy and drive in me.  I am beyond blessed to have Glenn, Keith, Danny, Viktoria & of course my trainer Joe in my life supporting me, teaching me, cheering me on.  All these factors are making me succeed.  Thank you to everyone for creating many ah ha moments for me this week.  I am blessed.

I had the great opportunity to attend the PRIDE event in South Beach today and watch Glenn perform.  Can I just tell you how incredible it is to watch Glenn dance and see the energy and the joy in his eyes as he performs.  It's so inspiring to watch it.  Glenn is surrounded by so many amazing people.  I am grateful to Daniel for allowing me to "Hang" with him and his friends.  What an amazing person.  I know why Glenn is with him.  I met so many beautiful people that created life long memories for me.  Thank you to everyone I met throughout this week.  I wish you had the ability to see inside my heart and to see and feel the joy and love I have for each and every person I met.  I am inspired to push myself to my limits and to succeed at everything I choose to do in my life.

I had a great flight home.  They sat me in an empty row.  Seriously, when does that happen.  Going out there I had no one sitting next to me and the flight was full.  It was the ONLY empty seat on the plane.  Then going home I had 2 empty seats next to me, again the only empty seats on the plane.  When does that EVER happen?  NEVER!  But it happened to me and I am so grateful for that.  I could just stretch out and relax on the plane and contemplate all that I experienced this week.  I also shed a few more tears on the plane.  They were tears of gratitude, tears of awe, tears of amazement, tears of joy, tears of excitement, tears of relief, tears of pure unconditional love that I felt and witnessed this week.  How I pray that each person that was involved this week with me will be blessed in every way possible.  Each person was so selfless and for that I am grateful.  I felt the love & the energy from everyone I met and it pushed to succeed.  So again, thank you to Zalmi & The Fresh Diet, to Glenn & Daniel, to the AreYouX team of Keith, Danny & Viktoria, To all the wonderful women at Chez Badeaux, to Crunch & their amazing instructors Tina & Roya, to Alex, To Andrew, to every person that I met this week, I love each of you and you helped create the most amazing memories that I will carry with me throughout the eternities.


  1. Donna!!! You are an inspiration. Thank you for coming to my class not once but twice! You totally rocked. Spinning is not always easy to "get" right away. You are super strong, inside and out.

    I hope our paths cross again. I am looking forward to following your progress whoo hoo!

    xo Tina, Crunch Fitness Miami Beach, FL

    ck this out www.tinaspindiva.blogspot.com

    It has a spinning descriptive, not a blog that I have kept up. You might find it interesting!

  2. Thank you Tina! I will definitely check out your blog. I do hope our paths cross again too. You are such an inspiration to everyone you meet. Thank you!!!!

  3. DONNA you dont have to thank me. I LOVE WHAT I DO! & i just hope that it has made a difference in your life, and you pay it forward....keep those high hopes!

