19 Week Comparison Front

19 Week Comparison Front
300 lbs, 248 lbs. - 52 lb weightloss

60 lbs down and still going!!!

60 lbs down and still going!!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 67

A new day has come and I am happy to report all is well between Joe & I.  We had a good talk this morning about the miscommunication that took place yesterday, apologies were made, hugs were given and all is well in my little world. :):):) I must say also that I had a lot of questions from friends about me posting what I went through yesterday, but I'm going to have good days and bad days and when I decided to write this blog I told myself I would be completely honest and bold in my writing and I feel I have been and if you know me, you know that I tell it like it is.  I am an open book almost to a fault.  I think yesterday was a good learning lesson for both Joe & I.  I should have NEVER walked away yesterday feeling the feelings I had and vice versa.  It totally pays to be honest in everything you do.  Just be up front with people and if something is bothering you, tell them.  Don't let it stew otherwise it will eat you alive.  So I do take blame for not approaching the situation yesterday, but like I said, all is happy and positive in my life again.  I'm all about positive energy, positive motion and that is what I need in my life.  I know that's why Joe is such a good trainer.  He is a ball of positive energy.  That's why we work well together.  He respects me, I respect him, it's a win, win situation.  That is also why I got along so well and love and respect the Are You X team in Miami, Keith, Danny & Viktoria, they are all a ball of positive energy.  Like energy attracts Like energy.  You know when you meet any of these people that they are just positive human beings.  It's a good thing.  Then there's Glenn.  He is KING OF POSITIVE ENERGY and MOTIVATION.  SERIOUSLY!!!  AMAZING!!!  I am blessed to have these 5 individuals in my life, supporting my vision and my weightloss journey.  Thank you my friends!

So I woke up at 5am and got to the club around 6:40 this morning.  I got on the SPIN bike and rode for 20 mins until Joe came over and then I rode another 10 mins while we talked.  It was a good warm up.  I accomplished a HUGE GOAL today.  It was a goal that I had set on day 1 of my journey.  Joe had asked me what some of my exercise goals were.  1 was be able to do the Big Stairmaster for an hour - DONE, 2 - learn to run - it's a long work in progress, 3 - jump rope - still working on it (thanks for getting me started Viktoria), 4 - to do a pull up - (I have a LONG way to go before I can accomplish that), 5 - do use the assisted dip and pull up machine. - THIS IS WHAT I ACCOMPLISHED TODAY!!!!!  It was HUGE for me in my head.  Believe me.

Training with Joe

  • Joe got that lovely 20 lb. soft exercise ball for me to squat down to.  Can I just tell you how much I love to do those low squats.  He had me do 25 to warm me up.  Then we he threw a new curve ball at me, he had me hold the 45 lb straight bar on my back and then squat down.  Um yeah, I couldn't go down very low.  It was a very awkward feeling.  When I squat I hold my hands in front of my chest in a tight squeeze to help balance myself.  So now having my hands up holding this bar on my back, my balancing mechanism was gone and I could not go as low.  I am so grateful Joe is having me do these though because I can already tell it will teach me balance and control of my squats.  I felt really strong as I was doing these.  It got easier to go lower with each set.  I still couldn't go as low as I could without the bar, but for the 1st time I think I did pretty good.  So we did 5 sets of 10 reps.  rotating with:
  • Assisted Dip Machine.  So Joe tells me we were going to do this machine and I said are you for real.  There is no way I can even fit on that machine let alone push up 92 lbs.  He put 175 lbs. on the machine.  So Joe says, "Donna, did we not just have a long talk about limiting beliefs."  Touchee Joe, Touchee!!!  That's a true story, in my conversation I had with Joe this morning I mentioned to him that I  didn't like anyone to put a limitation or barriers on me.  And so with me saying no way, I was putting limitations on myself.  So I said alright, I will do it and I DID!!!  Not only did I do it, it was actually very easy.  I was so proud of myself.  Honestly, it felt so natural and so good to do that machine.  So yay for me!
  • Then we went over to the massage table and Joe had me sit on the table with both legs straight out on the table and then had me scoot my butt to the edge.  Then he put his bodyweight on my legs and had me go back as far as I could and then sit up.  Well let me tell you , I could go back far!!!  I was impressed that I could do that.  So we did 2 sets of 25.
  • Then he had stand on the floor, lean over the table and hold on to each side and then I had to lift both legs up until I was parallel with the table.  I did 2 sets of 30.  Let me tell you, I felt them both hardcore in my abs.  But this last one I could have done more.  They were so easy to do which shocked me.
  • Then he stretched me out and I was going to go down and do the pool aerobics, but I get such a good calorie burn with the SPIN bike that I decided to just get on the SPIN bike and I rode for an hour.  Not only did I ride, but I was up and down and leaning over and spinning up just as if I was doing a class.  OMG - the sweat was pouring off of me and I loved every second of it.  I am seriously LOVING the SPIN bike.  I just lost myself in the music and I couldn't stop.  It was amazing and I felt amazing when I finally got off.  I had tons of energy and I just felt so good.
  • I finished my day at the gym off in my lovely sanctuary (steam room) for a good 15 minutes and then I spent 15 minutes in the jacuzzi under the waterfall.  So at my gym we have a jacuzzi in the ladies locker room which is nice, but I always go out to the jacuzzi out by the pools.  They have 2 gigantic jacuzzi out there with these totally powerful waterfall in the corners of them.  So when you stand under the waterfall the force of the water just massages your entire upper back and then to make the experience even better there is a jet of water that hits you in your lower back.  TALK ABOUT HEAVEN ON EARTH!!!!  Seriously!  It's the best!  I am just now realizing how important it is to spend this time on recovery after 2-3 hours of intense exercise.  I am so grateful I have that gym that I can go to that has a steam room and a jacuzzi.  I am blessed.


Fresh Fruit Salad with Watermelon, Blackberry, Apple, Orange, Red Grapes & Coconut Ricotta Cheese
Chicken Salad with Spinach, Mango, Orange Segments, Pine Nuts & Raspberry Vinaigrette
Lean Turkey Meatballs with Thai Ginger Chili Sauce with Wheatberry Pilaf and Grilled Asparagus
Turkey & Green Salsa Quesadilla
Sliced Asian Pear with Ricotta Cheese and Honey Roasted Cashews

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